K Lifestyle Fund 2510

Data as of Febuary 7,2025

NAV per unit

17.5287 THB
+0.03220.1840 %
Offer Price
17.5288 THB
Bid Price
17.4849 THB
Net Asset Value (NAV)
121,872,860.92 THB
Registered Fund Capital
5,000 Million baht
Inception Date
24 May 2007
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Dividend Payment Policy​
No dividend payment
XD Date

Auto Redemption Policy​
The investors are able to apply for autoredemption program

Bloomberg Ticker

Auto Redemption Period
On the last business day of May and November (if the return from autoremption program less than 500 baht, autoremption order will be canceled to protect unitholder’s interest)

Master Fund's Bloomberg Ticker ​​
Fund Type 
• Mixed Fund with equity exposure limit 
• Cross Investing Fund​​
• Thai and Foreign Exposure​
The Fund is suitable for?
• Investors who were born before 1967. The Fund is designed to target an investor's stage of life with differentiation for an investor’s risk tolerance. Risk tolerances are typically marketed by age with aggressive funds suggested for younger investors and conservative funds suggested for investors approaching retirement.   
• Investors who are able to tolerate price volatility and understand that they may suffer losses because the value of securities may go down as well as up.  
• Recommended holding period : not less than 3 years.​​
Investment Policy
• The Fund invests in equities, hybrid bonds, fixed income instruments and/or bank deposit. The Fund's equity exposure may not exceed 30% of NAV.
• The Fund may have foreign investment exposure not exceed 25% of NAV and may use derivatives to hedge against exchange rate risk at the Fund Manager's discretion.
• The Fund may invest in derivatives for Efficient Portfolio Management purpose (EPM) and Structured Notes (SN).
• The Fund may invest in investment units of mutual funds under the management of KAsset without any limitation.

Automatic Redemption program:  The investors are able to apply for automatic redemption program to receive return on the last business day of May and November (if the return from  automatic redemption program less than 500 baht, automatic redemption order will be cancelled)​

Risk Spectrum

Level 5
Moderate to High Risk

Asset Allocation
(% of Investment)

Data as of December 30,2024

Subscription & Redemption Details

Subjects                          Details
Subscription Date
Every business day between 8.30 a.m. - 3.30 p.m.
Redemption Date
Every business day between 8.30 a.m. - 3.30 p.m.
Minimum initial subscription
500 THB
Minimum subsequent subscription
500 THB
Minimum redemption​​​
500 THB

Minimum account balance
50 THB
NAV Announcement Date
T+1 (business day)
Settlement Date​
T+3 (business day)
Subscription and redemption channels
Fees Charged to the Fund (% p.a. of NAV)
Lists of Fees​
Management Fee
Not exceeding 1.0700% 
​Trustee Fee
Not exceeding 0.1070
Registrar Fee
Not exceeding 0.1338%
Other Fee
As it is actually incurred.

Fees Charged to Unitholders (% of trading value)

Lists of Fees​
​Front-end Fee
Not exceeding 1.00%
Back-end Fee​
Not exceed​ing 1.00​%
 - If holding less than 6 months : Charged 0.25%   
- If holding not less than 6 months : Waived   
Brokerage fee​​
Switching fee
Equal to the higher rate between the back-end fee of switch-out fund and the front-end fee of switch-in fund.​​

Fund Performance

Data as of Febuary 6,2025
  YTD 3 months 6 months 1 year (p.a.) 3 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.) 10 years (p.a.) Since inception (p.a.)
K-2510 -0.78% -1.49% 2.52% 0.70% -0.56% 1.04% 1.38% 3.21%
Benchmark Return -0.63% -0.57% 1.20% 1.79% 0.76% 1.16% 1.72% 3.69%

Historical NAV per unit (THB)

Date NAV per unit Change Offer Price Bid Price Net Asset Value
07/02/2025 17.5287 +0.0322|0.1840 % 17.5288 17.4849 121,872,860.92
06/02/2025 17.4965 -0.0330|0.1883 % 17.4966 17.4528 122,241,292.54
05/02/2025 17.5295 -0.0127|0.0724 % 17.5296 17.4857 121,971,007.72
04/02/2025 17.5422 +0.0074|0.0422 % 17.5423 17.4983 122,059,387.16
03/02/2025 17.5348 -0.0042|0.0239 % 17.5349 17.4910 121,310,955.45
31/01/2025 17.5390 -0.0512|0.2911 % 17.5391 17.4952 121,223,689.29
30/01/2025 17.5902 +0.0041|0.0233 % 17.5903 17.5462 121,614,257.96
29/01/2025 17.5861 0.0000|0.0000 % 17.5862 17.5421 121,546,270.44

Note: NAV Value Not include Dividend

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