12/17/2020 Auto-Redemption Schedule Year 2021 of K Fixed-Dated High Yield 2023A Fund Not for Retail Investors (KHY23A-UI), K Fixed-Dated High Yield 2023B Fund Not for Retail Investors (KHY23B-UI) and K Fixed-Dated High Yield 2024A Fund Not for Retail Investors (KHY24A-UI) Auto-Redemption DatesSettlement Dates(For Kasikorn Bank Account)February 2, 2021February 10, 2021May 6, 2021May 17, 2021August 3, 2021August 11, 2021November 19, 2021November 30, 2021 Remarks:Only unitholders whose names appear on the records of the registrar system at 8 a.m. on the auto-redemption date shall receive auto-redemption payment. The Management Company will transfer auto-redemption amount to unitholders' KBank accounts or other bank accounts based on details in the account opening form. Please note that for other bank accounts, the auto-redemption amount will be transferred by cheque.The auto-redemption amount and payment will be subject to the Management Company's discretion, hereby the auto-redemption amount will be paid from the Master Fund's return and/or net profit and/or retained earnings.However, the Management Company reserves the right not to pursue auto-redemption transaction if the Management Company believes that it will benefit all unitholders. The unitholder are unable to cancel auto-redemption transaction unless the Management Company will grant permission.The Management Company reserves the right to amend or change auto-redemption schedule without prior notice. For further information, please contact KAsset Contact Center at 0-2673-3888, fax to 0-2673-3988, or email: ka.customer@kasikornasset.com Kasikorn Asset Management Co., Ltd.Date December 17, 2020