K All Roads Enhanced Fund Not for Retail Investors-C(A)

Not for Retail Investors (For Institutional and Ultra High Net Worth Investors Only). High Risk or Complex Fund. Since the Fund has no investment risk limit as other general mutual funds, the Fund is only suitable for investors who can accept greater losses. / Fund name(Thai) was changed from กองทุนเปิดเค ออลโรดส์ เอ็นแฮนซท์ ห้ามขายผู้ลงทุนรายย่อย (K-ALLENHANCE-UI) to กองทุนเปิดเค ALL-EN ห้ามขายผู้ลงทุนรายย่อย (K-ALLEN-UI) on 19 January 2023.
Data as of Febuary 5,2025

NAV per unit

10.5060 THB
+0.03950.3774 %
Offer Price
10.5061 THB
Bid Price
10.5060 THB
Net Asset Value (NAV)
691,792,544.18 THB
Registered Fund Capital
20,000 Million Baht
Inception Date
9 March 2022 (Class Launch Date : 8 September 2023)
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Dividend Payout Policy
No dividend payment
XD Dates

Bloomberg Ticker

Foreign Funds' Bloomberg Ticker
Fund Type
High Risk or Complex Fund
• Mixed Fund
• Feeder Fund
• FIF (Foreign Investment Fund)

The Fund is suitable for
• Investors who expect consistent long-term capital appreciation under different macro environment andcan accept price volatility.
• Investors who can accept the volatility of asset prices that the Master Fund invests in, which may increase or decrease that a loss may occur.
• Investors who understand and are able to tolerate leverage risk. Since derivative investment will allow the Fund to gain larger exposure (leverage) to asset values than the amount the Fund invests.  
• Investors who can accept foreign exchange risk.  
• Recommended holding period : not less than 5 years.

Investment Policy
• The Fund mainly invests in LO Funds IV - All Roads Enhanced, (USD), I Class A (Master Fund) not less than 80% of NAV. 
• The Fund may use derivatives to hedge against exchange rate risk at fund manager’s discretion and also use for Efficient Portfolio Management purpose calculated by using Absolute VaR method which will not greater than 20% of NAV. The Fund may also invest in structured note.
• The Fund will not engage in repurchase agreement for investment benefit, nor short sale. 

​Investment policy of LO Funds IV - All Roads Enhanced, (USD), I Class A​ (Master Fund)
• The Master Fund invests in various traditional risk premia such as equities, sovereign and corporate credit (in both DMs and EMs) and commodities. The Master Fund seeks to generate steady performance over market cycles, and aims to offer higher risk-adjusted returns while controlling risk. The Master Fund’s investment approach applies a systematic, liquid and transparent risk-based allocation methodology.

Risk Spectrum

Level 8+
Extremely High Risk

Asset Allocation
(% of Investment)

Data as of October 31,2024

Subscription and Redemption Details

Subscription date
Every trading day
between 8.30 a.m. - 3.30 p.m.
Redemption date
Every trading day​ 
between 8.30 a.m. - 3.30 p.m.
Minimum initial subscription
Minimum subsequent subscription
Minimum redemption
Minimum​ account balance
NAV announcement date
T+3 (business day​)
Settlement date
T+6 (business day​)​ at 10.00 a.m.​
Subscription and redemption channels
  • (The transaction is subject to the conditions of each channel)​


      • ​​Other selling agents (Please see list of selling agents in Fund Fact Sheet)​

Fees charged to the Fund (% p.a. of NAV)

Lists of Fees
Management fee
Not exceeding 3.2100%
​Trustee fee
Not exceeding 0.2675%
Registrar fee
Not exceeding 0.3210%
Other fees
As it is actually incurred​

Fees charged to Unitholders (% of trading value)

Lists of Fees
Front-end fee​
Not exceeding 2.00​%
Back-end fee
Not exceeding 2.00​%
Brokerage fee
Switching fee
Equal to the higher rate between the back-end fee of switch-out fund and the front-end fee of switch-in fund.​

Fund Performance

Data as of Febuary 5,2025
  YTD 3 months 6 months 1 year (p.a.) 3 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.) 10 years (p.a.) Since inception (p.a.)
K-ALLEN-UI-C(A) 3.31% 2.06% 4.08% 8.87% N/A N/A N/A 10.61%
Benchmark Return 0.00% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Historical NAV per unit (THB)

Date NAV per unit Change Offer Price Bid Price Net Asset Value
05/02/2025 10.5060 +0.0395|0.3774 % 10.5061 10.5060 691,792,544.18
04/02/2025 10.4665 +0.0465|0.4463 % 10.4666 10.4665 689,193,523.85
03/02/2025 10.4200 +0.0117|0.1124 % 10.4201 10.4200 686,134,603.20
31/01/2025 10.4083 -0.0165|0.1583 % 10.4084 10.4083 685,359,142.58
30/01/2025 10.4248 +0.0648|0.6255 % 10.4249 10.4248 686,446,314.53
29/01/2025 10.3600 +0.0219|0.2118 % 10.3601 10.3600 682,179,012.47
28/01/2025 10.3381 +0.0311|0.3017 % 10.3382 10.3381 680,742,416.51
27/01/2025 10.3070 0.0000|0.0000 % 10.3071 10.3070 678,689,148.25

Note: NAV Value Not include Dividend

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