K Thai Equity CG RMF

Support PVD transfers
Data as of October 10,2024

NAV per unit

10.2118 THB
+0.07090.6991 %
Offer Price
10.2119 THB
Bid Price
10.2118 THB
Net Asset Value (NAV)
405,540,953.28 THB
Registered Fund Capital
2,000 Million Baht
Inception Date
22 November 2017
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Dividend Payout Policy
No dividend payment
XD Dates

Bloomber​g Ticker
Master Fund's Bloomberg Ticker
Fund Type
• Equity Fund
• Retirement Mutual Fund (RMF)
• SRI Fund
• No Foreign Exposure
The Fund is suitable for
• Investors who are able to tolerate price volatility and understand that they may suffer losses because the value of securities may go down as well as up.  
• Investors who can hold their investment for medium to long term, and expect higher long-term returns than investing in debt instruments.  
​• Investors who seek long-term investment for retirement; they are eligible for tax benefits when complying with investment conditions.​
Investment Policy
• The Fund will focus on companies with good corporate governance including companies that are accredited members of the Thai private sector for anti-corruption corruption (CAC). Good Corporate Governance considerations may be based on CG Scoring ratings of the Thai Institute of Directors Association or any other relevant agencies.  
• The Fund may invest in derivatives for Efficient Portfolio Management purpose (EPM).

Risk Spectrum

Level 6
High Risk

Asset Allocation
(% of Investment)

Data as of August 30,2024

Subscription and Redemption Details

Subscription date
Every business day 
between 8.30 a.m. - 3.30 p.m.
Redemption date
Every business day 
between 8.30 a.m. - 3.30 p.m.
Minimum initial subscription
500 Baht
Minimum subsequent subscription
500 Baht
Minimum redemption
500 Baht
Minimum​ account balance
NAV announcement date
T+1​ (business day)
Settlement date
T+3 (business day)
Subscription and redemption channels​

Fees charged to the Fund (% p.a. of NAV)

Lists of Fees
Management fee​
Not exceeding 3.2100% p.a.
Trustee fee
Not exceeding 0.1070% p.a.
Registrar fee
Not exceeding 0.1284% p.a.
Other fees
As it is actually incurred

Fees charged to​ Unitholders (% of trading value)

Lists of Fees
Front-end fee​
Not exceeding​ 2.00%​​
Back-end fee
Not exceeding​ 2.00%​​
Brokerage fee
Switching fee
​- Switching to KAsset's RMFs : Waived   ​​
- Switching to Other RMFs : Not exceeding 1.00%


Fund Performance

Data as of October 9,2024
  YTD 3 months 6 months 1 year (p.a.) 3 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.) 10 years (p.a.) Since inception (p.a.)
KTHAICGRMF 2.06% 10.30% 3.34% 1.51% -2.93% 0.65% N/A 0.20%
Benchmark Return 6.28% 11.53% 6.15% 5.29% -0.90% 1.02% N/A 0.77%

Historical NAV per unit (THB)

Date NAV per unit Change Offer Price Bid Price Net Asset Value
10/10/2024 10.2118 +0.0709|0.6991 % 10.2119 10.2118 405,540,953.28
09/10/2024 10.1409 +0.0410|0.4059 % 10.1410 10.1409 402,936,447.09
08/10/2024 10.0999 -0.0031|0.0307 % 10.1000 10.0999 401,471,829.25
07/10/2024 10.1030 +0.0765|0.7630 % 10.1031 10.1030 403,276,154.09
04/10/2024 10.0265 -0.0254|0.2527 % 10.0266 10.0265 400,567,014.94
03/10/2024 10.0519 -0.0726|0.7171 % 10.0520 10.0519 401,801,418.93
02/10/2024 10.1245 -0.1091|1.0661 % 10.1246 10.1245 407,008,370.91
01/10/2024 10.2336 0.0000|0.0000 % 10.2337 10.2336 411,430,130.19

Note: NAV Value Not include Dividend

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